Monday, June 24, 2013

Bulimia Tips for Beginning Recovery from Bulimia

Bulimia Tips for Beginning Recovery from Bulimia
I wrote articles on the prevention of bulimia tips One in every place of the first. But for those of you who are already deeply troubled by it, it does not do much good. Of course, this is your best bet therapy for treating bulimia, and as scary as revealing as it may seem to you. Unfortunately, statistics show that a person deeply addicted to this lifestyle will have a nearly impossible time break by themselves.

But here are some thing you can do yourself to help you until therapy becomes a notion that you're comfortable with, or something that you can afford.

1. Ask yourself if you are really willing to work toward healing. This disease is often characterized by modest steps of recovery, which then usually lead to relapse. By now you probably know that the recovery Is not something you can just wish to produce. It must be fought for, worked hard, for every three steps forward, understand that one step is taken. It should also be made a day at a time. Those who have the best chance of recovery will use all the assets they have if they are sincere about the earthquake. Make a wish for you if you are ready, and remember every day.

2. Prepare yourself to deal with relapse. Recovery must be taken one day at a time, and serious person refuses to leave if something goes wrong. Start by trying to go a day without bingeing and purging, and feel good if you do not succeed. If you do not, do not despair and surrender fully. Try to ask what was wrong. Make small goals and big goals. Your smaller goals could be eating a small meal without vomiting or laxative use, or go 48 hours without relapse. Your main objective would be to make it so the rest of the active state in a recovery year.

3. Tell someone. Anyone. It would be great if it was a family member or a close friend, especially since they may well know anyway. (People often tiptoe around this troubled, uncertain how to bring it with them to see it struggling with your Try not to be resentful if they tell you they "already knew." - Put yourself in their shoes, and it will be easier to understand why this is the first time it was mentioned. Remember that you've been hiding and denying it, too.) talk about the secret you kept if long will seem scary at first, but you'll feel like a weight was lifted later. Reinforcements you on your side, the easier it will be to treat.

4. Study your affliction. The Internet is a great resources. FIGHTING something often requires understanding. There is much more information out there about bulimia tips now he was. There are also large pro-recovery websites out there that allow other bulimics to discuss their illness with each other. Some, like the website-something fish are well monitored and have a large number of users. People struggling tend to take comfort in the fact that they are not alone, and the anonymity of the web advice makes it easier to open. This site challenge you and comfort you, and you have the chance to do the same for fellow sufferers. But attention to other sites, where attitudes pro-bulimia are allowed, as this will do nothing to achieve the goals you have set for yourself.

5. Chart-Yourself The person sincerely work towards recovery will follow the successes and failures of their their. Keep a journal, and set aside some time, or several times a day when you will use it. Do not keep track of what you eat and whether or not you kept down. Dig deeper. Many bulimics begin to feel numb after a while, especially during eating. But the feeling are there, and it's your job to identify them. What did you binge before this happens in your life? How did you feel after? Born this episode trigger several more? It is difficult to think, but think it is a way to break the cycle. Many bulimics may continue cycles of bingeing and purging constantly for several days if nothing stops them. Yourself to stop, think and write will help you out. And if you had a successful day, write about it, too. Write about how it makes you feel, if you feel joy, or what happened to get through the day. The successes and failures are both most important to the overall picture.

6. Look for patterns. (Again, writing things down will help you here.) Many bulimics notice patterns in their behavior, such as late night binge episodes, or highlighted in television. Some foods act as triggers, as some people will. Identify the repeating units gives you an overview of the disease, and the things you can avoid. You can define rules for yourself when you know that you can not manage: no TV during or just after dinner. Do not eat after 6:00 because it seems to trigger an episodes, ect.

7. Put yourself first. Bulimics must be strict and a little selfish, especially in the early stages, the most vulnerable recovery. If there are activities, relationships, or individuals that trigger you, then you must avoid, at least for a while. Some people talk about weight and fat phobia, and these issues will not help you as you try to change your life. If you feel like you're offended, you can do the best thing, and explain your reasons. Chances are they may have a problem themselves, or do not realize they were so vocal on the subject. Or you can say you have personal problems that happens, and having to lie down for a while. But whatever happens, you will not be in their life at all if you neutralize it, and you need to look out for your own well-being first. If they do not understand, you must be strong enough to do what you need to do anyway. This is your life, and the time that you enjoyed.

8. The drinking water and take vitamin supplement. If you are serious about recovery, then you are serious about finding your health. Know then that bulimia tips often leaves deficient patients dehydrated and vitamins (there are those who believe that the disease is more prevalent in people with vitamin deficiency in the first place.) Adding supplements and moisturizer will help you keep up what your body is stronger than you shake this thing altogether.

9. Read success stories. There are plenty of them out there on the internet books, or. Sometimes it is useful to remember that there is light at the end of this tunnel, if you are willing to walk the distances to get there. -->
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Friday, June 21, 2013

A Powerful Visioning Process for Effective Bulimia tips treatment

A Powerful Visioning Process for Effective Bulimia tips treatment
There is no process visualization, but more that I've learned and I've used in my life since 2005. All of them were deep in my personal transformation.

Two primary visualization exercises that I want to share with you the vision board include a powerful visualization process for the effective treatment of bulimia tips and a vision of life (or visualizations per day). I used these two methods to do everything to get back to my 20 years eating disorders, attract the man of my dreams, get a great job, and go on adventures extraordinary journey.

What I'm trying to say is this stuff really works!

We all know the tremendous power of the mind to get into trouble or help us heal. Both are by choice - even if it does not always seem that way. Using a visioning process to develop your mind as a healing tool, you can develop what I call "the medicine of the mind."

Your body follows the direction of your brain. As we use our imagination, imagining ourselves in a healthy and happy state, our body begins to follow this positive mental feeling and habits begin to form.

Visioning Process # 1: Create a vision board to Beat Bulimia tips

One of the most powerful tools that I used in my process of viewing life is a vision board. A vision board is where you cut images and phrases in magazines (or print photos from the web) that inspire and excite you. You take these images and paste them on a large sheet of paper, cardboard or a wall to make a collage.

There is no good way to make a vision board, but I have a few recommendations:

1. Get Happy - play music, dance, hiking or anything that makes you feel good before you start. You want to be in a very good feeling place when you work on your vision board.

2. Determine your theme - you can have a vision board for your year or a few years, one that is right for a particular area of ​​your life that you are working on (such as heather or relationships or money), or a combination of both.

3. Use your imagination - this is where the expression "whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve" comes into play Use your imagination to begin to see a future worth living. . When you use your imagination, you are harnessing the power of your mind and connect to the source to change the course and direction of your life.

4. Meditation or prayer - sit in silent meditation (or a guided meditation) before you embark on your vision board to connect to your self / internal source, or to pray for guidance and pictures to show up 'what you want for your life. By one of these two you expose yourself to the power of the Universe to bring you what you want in your visualization process.

How to use a vision board to treat a eating disorder

To be honest, a vision board is not going to literally cure your eating disorder, but it can help you. Having a vision board to look at every day keeps you focused on your future self in the place of "what-is" mind your current reality,Looking at your vision board for 10-15 minutes every day will send positive thoughts to your subconscious. Your subconscious mind is where the works is done to change your beliefs and underlying attitudes.

It is important to feel the feelings of your future life now. You want to "feel" how you imagine your future life will feel like - now. In this way, you add the juice or emotional energy to your vision of yourself to magnetize it.

Consciously sending pictures of a happy and healthy future in your subconscious, you activate new parts of your brain that will positively affect your habits and finally overcome your eating disorder. Creating positive feelings associated with this future, you will change your energy vibration and the law of attraction will start sending you more of what you feel. Feeling good is the key to this process.

Replace the negative to positive

Under each visualization process, we begin to change the connections in our brain that new positive images begin to replace the old one. Because our perception of body image is linked to our self-image, it is important to retrain the brain to begin to see ourselves differently. Who are we to ourselves is a product of perception - good, bad, ugly, fat or perfect. It is up to us to change the perception.

More positive in the brain images, we also want to create positive emotions to support these new images. Emotions can be guided by what we feed our mind - we have the power to change our beliefs and behaviors. Strengthening positive self-images with strong positive feelings, we begin to learn our brain that we want change to bring us more things that make us feel good.

Change your belief, change your behavior

We can reprogram our brains to think positively and attract what we really want ourselves. If you want to get technical, take a look at this scientific example of how this works:

Experiments were made in reference to help long-term memory of the protein kinase A chemical substance, which resides in the brain cells. Through the mental exercise, this protein can move from the body of a brain cell, or neurons in the nucleus of the cell, thus creating yet another protein that modifies the structure of nerve endings in the cell!

This means that new connections are available in each cell of the brain. As the new form of connections, memory develops through various exercises that move around the protein. Then strengthen neuronal connections and new ways are created to enhance the capacity of long-term memory. In other words, we can reconfigure our brain chemistry by techniques that create a kind of mental workout for change!

So what does that mean? We have control!

With guided imagery and positive affirmations, we can reprogram our minds to embrace health. As we use this visualization process, we change the connections in our brain. It's fantastic, it's true!

Visioning Process # 2: Vision of everyday life (Views)

a vision of life, or what I like to call visualisations per day, are something that you can do anywhere and anytime. Although the vision board can be for a particular area of ​​your life as a new relationship or a mind and a healthy body free from bulimia tips, this visualization exercise is something you can do more specific things.

The method of displaying

• Find a quiet place where you can get comfortable and will not be disturbed
• Close your eyes and take  few deep breaths to slow your heart rate and your mind clear
• Imagine in your mind the outcome of an event or an experience you would like to happen, or something you want to manifest
• Run the tape in your mind the best result you can imagine
• Feel a sense of being, doing and having the thing you want in your body
• When you have finished repeating the result you want, take a few deep breaths and say something to yourself like "and it is" or "what I want to come to me" or "can happen bestoutcome "or" this or something better "
• Open your eyes and go about your day

You can now intervene powerfully in your future experience with confidence that you have recited the result you want. You "pre-paved" the future you want to experience in your energetic vibration (your vibrational reality) It makes you much more likely to experience this result -. Or better - than if you had just stumbled into your future.

This is deliberate to create its best.

Body image is all in your mind

Before I could start my journey of recovery from bulimia tips, I had to realize that I had a specific body image in my head that had to do with an imaginary me that I did as a child what I looked like in terms of my body and self-image in general. Due to cultural influences, peer pressure, and my family dynamic, I have not seen my body was fine as it was. I created a seriously distorted picture of my body and constantly reminded how ugly or fat I was because I saw through this distorted perception.

As I learned the process of viewing and then the next replace my negative mental images and wrong with a new perception of what is beautiful and healthy, my recovery from bulimia has finally begun. These exercises lasting recovery helped me take control of my thoughts and I stop bulimia. Finally, I was able to enjoy normal eating habits and feel to finally have a healthy body again.

Stay focused on the positive

The visualization process is not magic, but it sometimes seems like it is!

Do not forget ...

• Keep your vision clear
• Take deliberate actions inspired by your vision
• Practice positive thinking
• Pay attention to your vibration / feelings (they let you know when you're off course)
• Refocus your feelings when you find yourself feeling bad
• Pre-opening your future at every opportunity
• What you focus on expands, so focus on what works

The vision board is great reinforcement and helps you stay focused on keeping your focus on your positive future.

Emotionalization: the power of our emotions

My definition emotionalization added [energy] emotion to our vision. When you do your visualizations exercises just imagine or see your vision in your mind is not as powerful as if you feel that vision. It is much more important to allow your body to experience the feelings of being, doing and having what the future you imagine that the channel you are viewing. Emotions are the juice that bring our visions into reality with all speed. No emotion - not speed.

Emotions and Recovery

Emotionalizing beliefs helps us to see what they are and how they affect us. As you go further in your bulimia recovery programs, using various therapies will help you identify what you feel on the deepest levels. Often we can not access these places on our own because our feelings and emotions come from a deeply unconscious place that is difficult to access. And access to this area can often be a scary thing! Occupational therapy sessions or groups of loving support can help you get there safely.

As you get in touch with your feelings, it actually becomes easier to understand what makes you happy, what scares you, what makes you unhappy, and what excites you. By getting in touch with your emotions, you begin to replace the negative feelings with those that empower your vision of a healthy you. By really feel and identify your emotions using the visualization process and other therapy programs bulimia tips, you will begin to practice living in your future self. The more you do, the better you will feel. The better you feel, the more you will want to do.

Choosing Life

Remember, you can be what you want to be. You can choose health, Just by being here, on this site you have already chosen the recovery of your eating disorder. You can strengthen your choice by downloading our free eBook that features real-life stories by former bulimic who used many recovery techniques to overcome their problems of eating disorder. This can be you!

We want to support you in your healing journey. Send us an e-mail or let us know how you do. If you make a vision board, take a picture and send it to us - we believe in your vision. Let us return positive reinforcement and hope along the way.

Share your story of recovery from bulimia with us, too. You will help others to stay inspired as they also work to overcome bulimia tips.
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4 Best Bulimia Tips Treatment

4 Best Bulimia Tips Treatment
Bulimia is a problem of disorder typical diet in which a person feel compelled to overeat or binge, then purge the food in any way before the body can not digest. In an effort to stop their body from weight gain, or they vomit or take enemas, laxatives or diuretics interfere to evacuate their gut.

This disorder is often very difficult to identify as most bulimics are normal weight and otherwise behave normally. But this eating disorder can cause many health problems such as intestinal disorders, stomach problems, dental damage and even drug and alcohol problems. There may be a chemical imbalance in the body due to the act of repeated vomiting, which can lead to bulimic mood swings or isolation.

Treatment of bulimia can be difficult as a bulimic may be underlying psychological problems such as anxiety, depressions or obsessive-compulsive disorder. Effective treatment should define its deep psychological context and address the underlying problems of mental and emotional health - issues that may have roots in the patient's childhood, self-image and self-perception .

There is not any one-size-fits-plan treatment for bulimia. Different approaches are used in combination or separately, depending on individual needs and diagnosis of the patient. Many treatment options described below are intended to help the patient break his / her unhealthy tendency to eat and get them out of their negative self-image that the effects of feeding behavior.

Although there are many different approache in the treatment of bulimia nervosa, a psychological examination is the initial part of the treatment.

4 Best Bulimia Tips Treatment


Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) aims to help bulimics identify his / her configuration and attitudes that trigger the eating disorder the person thought. Change their irrational thinking, therapy helps restore a healthy eating pattern.

4 Best Bulimia Tips Treatment
Cognitive behavioral therapy is administered individually and sometimes in groups eliminates the habits of bingeing, purging and any other that is associated with emotional behavior and is considered the best treatment for bulimia.

Bulimia Tips-Family Therapy

Another very effective psychotherapy is family therapy. The family can provide maximum support to overcome this eating disorders. They can help the bulimic to admit the problem and seek treatments. Family therapy is usually conducted by professionals with the person suffering from bulimia and his / her family.

However, some family therapy is conducted with members of the family only without the victim of bulimia to help them understand the role they can play in supporting the person out of this eating disorder.

Bulimia Tips-Medications

Several drugs that are approved for obsessive-compulsive disorder and depression are often prescribed to overcome the symptoms of bulimia, but only fluoxetine is the drug approved by the FDA to treat bulimia.

This drug has been found successful in reducing the number of bulimia and want to vomit. Other antidepressants may help bulimics feel less obsessed with food and less depressed.

Bulimia Tips-Residential Treatment Facilities for Bulimia

There are treatment centers in the United States and other countries where you can get all the treatment options above and services in one place. They are known as residential treatment centers.

These treatments centers usually have specialists in various medical professions such as psychologists, nutritionists, physiotherapists, professional meditation and relaxation, fitness expert and general practitioner to help the person develop the skills needed in a very relaxed to overcome their problems and put them into practice in everyday surroundings.
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Bulimia tips - Top Signs Of Bulimia

Bulimia tips - Top Signs Of Bulimia
Bulimia is a disorder known as the name of the food medical condition. The person suffering from bulimia eat large amounts of food in a short period of time, and after he / she tries to throw out or take laxatives to get rid of the over-consumed food.

Bulimia tips-Prevalence of bulimia

Women are more likely to be affected by bulimia. In general, the person with bulimia is not to be over-weight. A study shows that the ratio between men and women with bulimia is about 9:1.

People who impulsive behavior or who usually overruns are most at risk, such as those involved in sexual longer active. One school of researchers is also in favor of high heritability of this disorder. Various mood swings can also increase the binge eating.

Bulimia tips-Top signs of bulimia

Generally, it is very difficult to diagnose bulimia. People with bulimia may complain to overeat in repeated cycles followed by discomfort in the stomach due to over-extension. In some case, self-induced vomiting may also be present.

Frequency of these cycles can vary from one to several in a week and can extend up to several cycles a day. The person finds himself unable to control diet and stop eating only when asked by anyone else. Bulimia may be associated with gastric reflux after eating.

Vomiting can cause great loss of water (dehydration) and low levels of potassium in your blood (hypokalemia). These imbalances in electrolytes of the body can cause serious damage to the body including cardiac arrhythmias or even cardiac arrest.

Due to the frequent exposure to stomach acid, inflammation of the esophagus is also very common in bulimic patients is termed as esophagitis. Out of food pipe (esophagus) is also seen in some bulimics. The trauma of the oral cavity with laceration of the oral mucosa may occur due to the frequent insertion of fingers to induce vomiting.

Bulimia tips - Top Signs Of Bulimia

Photo credit: / mentalhealth / Restore disorders / what-causes-eating-disorders /

Chronic patients may complaint of constipation or delayed stomach emptying. The lower mandible to increase (lower jaw) in size glands. Burning sensation in the stomach due to peptic ulcers can be seen. The erosion of the outer surface of the tooth (enamel) is seen as a result of frequent exposure to stomach acid.

Acid etched tooth enamel which erode and provide a particular aspect called dental erosion. Due to electrolyte imbalance muscle weakness, muscle spasm (tetany), or seizures are very common in these patients.

Emotional disturbances can also be seen in patients with bulimia, which can be associated with depression. Bulimia is also associated with an imbalance of psychiatric patient, generally called mood disorder.

Bulimia is more common among teenagers, who are either suffering from depression or have gone through a phase of depression during their lives.

Bulimia tips-Bulimia Treatment

The drug most commonly used for bulimia is antidepressants. As bulimia is a psychological disorder patient's diet should self-assessment and tips. The support of family members is very useful for a bulimic patient.
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