Bulimia is a disorder known as the name of the food medical condition. The person suffering from bulimia eat large amounts of food in a short period of time, and after he / she tries to throw out or take laxatives to get rid of the over-consumed food.
Bulimia tips-Prevalence of bulimia
Women are more likely to be affected by bulimia. In general, the person with bulimia is not to be over-weight. A study shows that the ratio between men and women with bulimia is about 9:1.
People who impulsive behavior or who usually overruns are most at risk, such as those involved in sexual longer active. One school of researchers is also in favor of high heritability of this disorder. Various mood swings can also increase the binge eating.
Bulimia tips-Top signs of bulimia
Generally, it is very difficult to diagnose bulimia. People with bulimia may complain to overeat in repeated cycles followed by discomfort in the stomach due to over-extension. In some case, self-induced vomiting may also be present.
Frequency of these cycles can vary from one to several in a week and can extend up to several cycles a day. The person finds himself unable to control diet and stop eating only when asked by anyone else. Bulimia may be associated with gastric reflux after eating.
Vomiting can cause great loss of water (dehydration) and low levels of potassium in your blood (hypokalemia). These imbalances in electrolytes of the body can cause serious damage to the body including cardiac arrhythmias or even cardiac arrest.
Due to the frequent exposure to stomach acid, inflammation of the esophagus is also very common in bulimic patients is termed as esophagitis. Out of food pipe (esophagus) is also seen in some bulimics. The trauma of the oral cavity with laceration of the oral mucosa may occur due to the frequent insertion of fingers to induce vomiting.
Photo credit: Fearofstuff.com / mentalhealth / Restore disorders / what-causes-eating-disorders /
Chronic patients may complaint of constipation or delayed stomach emptying. The lower mandible to increase (lower jaw) in size glands. Burning sensation in the stomach due to peptic ulcers can be seen. The erosion of the outer surface of the tooth (enamel) is seen as a result of frequent exposure to stomach acid.
Acid etched tooth enamel which erode and provide a particular aspect called dental erosion. Due to electrolyte imbalance muscle weakness, muscle spasm (tetany), or seizures are very common in these patients.
Emotional disturbances can also be seen in patients with bulimia, which can be associated with depression. Bulimia is also associated with an imbalance of psychiatric patient, generally called mood disorder.
Bulimia is more common among teenagers, who are either suffering from depression or have gone through a phase of depression during their lives.
Bulimia tips-Bulimia Treatment
The drug most commonly used for bulimia is antidepressants. As bulimia is a psychological disorder patient's diet should self-assessment and tips. The support of family members is very useful for a bulimic patient.
Bulimia tips-Prevalence of bulimia
Women are more likely to be affected by bulimia. In general, the person with bulimia is not to be over-weight. A study shows that the ratio between men and women with bulimia is about 9:1.
People who impulsive behavior or who usually overruns are most at risk, such as those involved in sexual longer active. One school of researchers is also in favor of high heritability of this disorder. Various mood swings can also increase the binge eating.
Bulimia tips-Top signs of bulimia
Generally, it is very difficult to diagnose bulimia. People with bulimia may complain to overeat in repeated cycles followed by discomfort in the stomach due to over-extension. In some case, self-induced vomiting may also be present.
Frequency of these cycles can vary from one to several in a week and can extend up to several cycles a day. The person finds himself unable to control diet and stop eating only when asked by anyone else. Bulimia may be associated with gastric reflux after eating.
Vomiting can cause great loss of water (dehydration) and low levels of potassium in your blood (hypokalemia). These imbalances in electrolytes of the body can cause serious damage to the body including cardiac arrhythmias or even cardiac arrest.
Due to the frequent exposure to stomach acid, inflammation of the esophagus is also very common in bulimic patients is termed as esophagitis. Out of food pipe (esophagus) is also seen in some bulimics. The trauma of the oral cavity with laceration of the oral mucosa may occur due to the frequent insertion of fingers to induce vomiting.
Photo credit: Fearofstuff.com / mentalhealth / Restore disorders / what-causes-eating-disorders /
Chronic patients may complaint of constipation or delayed stomach emptying. The lower mandible to increase (lower jaw) in size glands. Burning sensation in the stomach due to peptic ulcers can be seen. The erosion of the outer surface of the tooth (enamel) is seen as a result of frequent exposure to stomach acid.
Acid etched tooth enamel which erode and provide a particular aspect called dental erosion. Due to electrolyte imbalance muscle weakness, muscle spasm (tetany), or seizures are very common in these patients.
Emotional disturbances can also be seen in patients with bulimia, which can be associated with depression. Bulimia is also associated with an imbalance of psychiatric patient, generally called mood disorder.
Bulimia is more common among teenagers, who are either suffering from depression or have gone through a phase of depression during their lives.
Bulimia tips-Bulimia Treatment
The drug most commonly used for bulimia is antidepressants. As bulimia is a psychological disorder patient's diet should self-assessment and tips. The support of family members is very useful for a bulimic patient.
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